Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Math 37 - Galileo Trial Oxygen 1516 and book 1919 K = Potassium October Karl OK


explains  key word concepts --> 

Galileo Trial 
Oxygen 16 and year  16 16  and 

year 1919  book 19  19 
19 = K = Potassium

 October 1937 Karl (z)  --> OK

Wojciech    Braszczok  --> OK 

The trial of Galileo Galilei in a Nut Shell. 

Galileo the defender ...

The trial of Galileo Galilei in a Nut Shell. Galileo the defender represented scientific truth & progress. The "Inquisition" that prosecuted him (on he published his Theory & Proof that the Earth revolved around the Sun) represents the backward & ill-informed mired in religious dogma ( who proclaimed that Galileo's theory as a ..

The trial of Galileo Galilei in a Nut Shell. Galileo the defender ...

The trial of Galileo Galilei in a Nut Shell. Galileo the defender represented scientific truth & progress. The "Inquisition" that prosecuted him (on he published his Theory & Proof that the Earth revolved around the Sun) represents the backward & ill-informed mired in religious dogma ( who proclaimed that Galileo's theory as a ..

Galileo Trial || 1616 Documents - Douglas Allchin


Inquisition Minutes (25 February 1616). Thursday, 25 February 1616. The Most Illustrious Lord Cardinal Millini notified the Reverend Fathers Lord Assessor and Lord Commissary of the Holy Office that, after the reporting of the judgment by the Farher Theologians against the propositions of the mathematician Galileo (to the ...

1616 Documents 

16 .... 16 Documents  from the  IBM  Trial

1616 Documents 

16 .... 16 Documents  of coulombs and mirrors of Ze (Zeus )

1616 Documents 

1916 and World War One1916 witnessed two of the most decisive
earth coulomb battles of World War One – 
at Verdun and the Somme. 1916 is seen as the year when the armies of Britain, France and Germany were bled to death. ... 

Fe = Ferrous oxide iron 26 proton atomic alphabet on
Fe = February 26th
Germany ended her first offensive against Verdun.

1916 and World War One - 

History ....  partial Learning Site of lazy thinkers


The Role of Potassium K Channels in the Regulation of
Neurotransmitter BRAIN language wars in Europe ...

by LO Trussell - ‎2008 - ‎Cited by 4 - ‎Related articles
Neurotransmitter release is critically dependent on the duration of the presynaptic action potential. A variety of K+ channels play key roles in determining spike width. Moreover, K+channels control...

END of explanation

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