Monday, October 22, 2018

Math 04 - Truth tables of Ross Truett and UMPQUA college


explains  key word concepts --> 

Math  logic war casualties .......
Truth tables of Ross Truett Ashley and UMPQUA college 

Below, the Boston jury  and Carmen Ortiz   ..BRAIN control systems  …

The BOSTON  jury Mind Has No Firewall –

Strategic Studies Institute for BRAIN SYMBOL PROCESSORS

– U.S. ……/parameters/…
Strategic Studies Institute
The human body, much like a computer, contains myriad data processors. They include, but are not limited to, the chemical-electrical activity of the brain, heart, …

Radcliffe Enters Historic Merger With Harvard | News | The ……/radcliffe-enters-historic-m
The Harvard Crimson
Apr 21, 1999 – Radcliffe’s announcement yesterday that it will drop its designation as a college fulfills a promise its founders made 120 years ago. In 1879 …

Radcliffe College – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Growing consolidation with Harvard – The parallel Radcliffe and Harvard student … However, a merger study committee of the Radcliffe Alumnae …
Thus we have Carmen Ortiz approval of the Radcliffe  BRAIN  programming  attack on  Radford student ….

Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old ……/ross-truettashleyradfo
The Huffington Post
Dec 9, 2011 – Police said Friday that Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford, was responsible for killing a Virginia Tech police officer Thursday, triggering a …

Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford was manipulated by Washington DC  SUPREME thinkers and Radcliffe college master BS   plan  in  their  arrogant attitude over all knowledge and wisdom.

Truett  and the logic problems of   MISS bedroom  brain power  at Radcliffe …..
that control Harvard male brain cell perceptions.

Truth table – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
truth table is a mathematical table used in logic—specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, boolean functions, and propositional calculus—to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, on each combination of values taken by their logical variables ( …

Truth Tables, Tautologies, and Logical Equivalence…/truthtabl
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Truth Tables, Tautologies, and Logical Equivalence. Mathematics normally works with a two-valued logic: Every statement is either True or False. You can use truth tables to determine the truth or falsity of a complicated statement based on the truth or falsity of its simple components

Thus we see Nature’s vast systems and its influences upon human events.
Thus DEATH SENTENCE  given to tsaRNAev ……..
Tsarnaev ………..

…..rna  –> messenger  RNA …military
authorizations approved by  the ….

Massachusetts Biotechnology Council

Messenger RNA – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression.

Date Set for Tsarnaev  and the Biotechnology Council  ……   Death Sentence in Boston ……/date-set-tsarnaevs-official-deathse
May 28, 2015 ……  Tsarnaev  and the families / co-workers / researchers  of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council ……. agents for messenger RNA …..    will officially be sentenced to death in June.

A Guide to Different Kinds of Parallel Universes – The Nature ……/nova/…/a-guide-to-different-kinds-of-parallelunive

Nov 27, 2012 – Here is the simplest way to transport yourself to a parallel universe: Just imagine all …. Discover web resources associated with NOVA’s “Parallel Worlds, … Personally, if there is no afterlife, and the minddissolves back into the …

NOVA | Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives | Science Fiction and …
(non-Flash version) Follow a time line of parallel worlds–those of sci-fi and …
The  INTERNAL biology  messenger RNA path (above picture) and
the EXTERNAL parallel  message path (below  map)

Our Two Cultures – The New York Times…/Dizikes-t.htm…
The New York Times
Mar 19, 2009 – Few literary phrases have had as enduring an afterlife as “the two cultures,” coined by C. P. Snow to describe what he saw as a dangerous …
Thus the danger of death  …..VIA Nature’s information transfer system.

Transfer RNA    ……. transfer the ….  tsaRNAev  death sentence to the humans in the bio-council, their members, and their familes and children

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
transfer RNA (abbreviated tRNA and archaically referred to as sRNA, for soluble RNA) is an adaptor molecule composed of RNA, typically 76 to 90 nucleotides in length, that serves as the physical link between the mRNA and the amino acid sequence of proteins.
Structure – ‎Anticodon – ‎Aminoacylation – ‎Binding to ribosome
Thus we have the equation –>   transfer RNA  …become the Boston BS HUMAN RACE trial equation
—>  transfer  tsaRNAev
………….. fer      RNA  ev = electron volts …
………….. ferrous oxide IRON atom   ….transfer of DEATH instructions from  Carmen Orbital Ortiz    …..  to the atomic electron continuum  of existence on EARTH …..   to the    humans of the superior bio-TECH ethics group.
Nature’s agent TRNA …named TsaRNAev

Death instruction of the traitors brain electron circuits   .. automobile accident,  illness, etc
Already, Nature gave the  TSA (Tsarnaev)  death sentence  DEATH   to  TSA agent in Los Angeles …

2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting – Wikipedia ……/2013_Los_Angeles_International_…
Walking up to a TSA checkpoint, he pulled the rifle out of the bag and opened fire, shooting TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez in the chest “at point-blank range”.

Above, geometry  configuration  approximate  PARALLEL match
below, molecule  geometry map

TSA officer  murdered  by the Department of Justice   …


Byin the – Los Angeles Times…/la-me-ln-tsaofficer-claim-20140…
Los Angeles Times
Apr 24, 2014 – Family of TSA officer killed in LAX shooting files $25-million claim … Hernandez, 39, was the first TSA officer killed in the line of duty. Witnesses …
Next ….

Transfer RNA – Glossary Entry – Genetics Home Reference
United States National Library of Medicine
adapter RNA; ribonucleic acids, transfer; soluble RNA; tRNA. Definition(s). The small RNA molecules, 73-80 nucleotides long, that function during translation to ..

Transfer RNA

Transfer RNA

……..ferguson, Missouri …

Federal government DEATH sentence transfered to Michael Brown.

Shooting of Michael Brown by

FEDERAL  molecular cell biology orders issued by  the atomic orbitals of Carmen Ortiz of the big BOSS city of Boston

– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a northern suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old African-American male, …
Date‎: ‎August 9, 2014
Non-fatal injuries‎: ‎Darren Wilson (during …
Location‎: ‎Ferguson, Missouri, U.S
Charges‎: ‎None filed

an 18-year-old A
an 18-year-old A
an 18-year-old A
….18  families of the A = Atomic table  ..elements of  life and thought  …selected  the Darwin EARTH LAB specimens for the message generating event

Thus the  DEATH SENTENCE information transfer from BOSTON to LAX airport  ….  and to Ferguson Missouri   …… providing feedback information to the Massachusetts BioTECH community about the abilities of
Nature systems  to  defend its
messenger tsaRNAEv from  the MIT and Harvard bull-shit and their  cover-up  rackets.

The Germanwings crash  ……. the air plane left Spanish soil  with the contanimated  thoughts, LANGUAGES,   and States of MIND  …..   of the city of Barcelona, Spain.

Germanwings Flight 9525 – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Crash site – [edit]. Two barren, grey granite peaks rising from a ridge, against the blue sky. The Massif des Trois-Évêchés, where the crash site lies.
F    light origin‎ ..Fatal  light/optics  data stream  origin –> the joy and pleasure of the DEATH SENTENCE printed in the Boston newspapers with incomplete analysis of the tragic signaling event.
Flight origin‎: ‎ Barcelona–El Prat Airport, …
Date‎: ‎24 March 2015
Passengers‎: ‎144
Crew‎: ‎6 ..... atomic number 6 Carbon life form CREW

The American BAR association and  Massachusetts BioTECH ……molecular cell biology  ….
sentence subset words –> Bar  + cell  –> information pointers     ……
route death sentence
to Bar  cel –> Barcelona Spain …..
…………………………………….pain/ suffering /death   …..panic of  his.PANIC    language people and their superior INTELLECT, ethics and morality on EARTH.

Germanwings crash: Co-pilot Lubitz ‘practised rapid descent …
May 6, 2015 – Alps plane crash. … The co-pilot of the Germanwings plane that crashed in the French Alps in March appears to have practised a rapid descent on a previous flight, a report by French investigators says. The report said Andreas Lubitz repeatedly set the same plane for an unauthorised …

The DESCENT of   Harvard, MIT m and the Boston HUMAN RACE by the Charles River
……   per Nature’s  WORLD-WIDE social engineering systems news announcement.
Thus the sequences of DEATH generated by MIT, Harvard and Radcliff,  and Boston  commands and DEATH sentences

Thus we have the Boston communications BRIDGE error of year 2013  ……. and the DEATH threats and DEATH sentence against messenger RNA  …..  caused Nature’s social engineering  system to create a tragic feedback signal to Boston     ..with the Universal MIND (UM) code  selection of a  UM  proper nou (UMpQua college)   to clearly maximize the message content of the UMpqua EVENT   …a feedback signal to the Boston logic system.

UMpqua  –> UM + pq + ua

The Umpqua Community College shooting took place on October 1, 2015 at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Christopher …
Date‎: ‎October 1, 2015; 10:38 a.m. – 10:48 …
Perpetrator‎: ‎Christopher Harper-Mercer
Weapons‎: ‎Five handguns
Location‎: ‎Roseburg, Oregon, U.S

Logical Operations and Truth Tables
Logical Operations and Truth Tables. At first glance, it may not seem that the study of logic should be part of mathematics. For most of us, the word logic is …

Radcliffe Enters Historic Merger With DEATH subroutines  and  the Ha Ha comedy school of superiority attitudes and thought  …… News

| The ……/radcliffe-enters-historic-m
The Harvard Crimson
Apr 21, 1999 – Radcliffe’s announcement yesterday that it will drop its designation as a college fulfills a promise its founders made 120 years ago. In 1879 …

Radcliffe College – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Growing consolidation with Harvard – The parallel Radcliffe and Harvard student … However, a merger study committee of the Radcliffe Alumnae …
– The parallel Radcliffe
– The parallel Radcliffe
– The parallel Radcliffe
– The parallel Radio  ……. Radford Virginia

Thus we have Carmen Ortiz and Department  of Justice … Neuroscience BS LAW schemes approved     ……   the Radcliffe  BRAIN  programming  attack on  Radford student ….

Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old ……/ross-truettashleyradfo
The Huffington Post
Dec 9, 2011 – Police said Friday that Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford, was responsible for killing a Virginia Tech police officer Thursday, triggering a …

Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford was manipulated by Washington DC  SUPREME thinkers and Radcliffe college master BS   plan  in  their  arrogant attitude over all knowledge and wisdom.

Truett  and the logic problems of   MISS bedroom  brain power  at Radcliffe …..
that control Harvard male brain cell perceptions.

Truth table – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
truth table is a mathematical table used in logic—specifically in connection with Boolean algebra, boolean functions, and propositional calculus—to compute the functional values of logical expressions on each of their functional arguments, that is, on each combination of values taken by their logical variables ( …

How to Apply | Radcliffe Institute
for Advanced Study
of male ……….Stud …… brain letters and words ……/how-apply
Harvard University
Former fellows of the Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (2000 to present) are not eligible to … (natural sciences and mathematics) …

Truth Tables, Tautologies, and Logical Equivalence…/truthtabl
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Truth Tables, Tautologies, and Logical Equivalence. Mathematics normally works with a two-valued logic: Every statement is either True or False. You can use truth tables to determine the truth or falsity of a complicated statement based on the truth or falsity of its simple components

Thus,  we see Radcliffe college and its bio-radio and other  LANGUAGE manipulation TRICKS and arrogant SCHEMES  ……  to change and distort the accurate   bio-math TRUTH TABLES in the subconscious MIND  ……. thus Radcliffe and Harvard  created the murder of   Nature’s agent   …  Ross Truett Ashley of Radford.

Thus we see Nature’s vast systems and its influences upon human events.

Oregon shooting: Gunman a student at Umpqua Community ……/oregon-umpqua-community-collegeshootin
Oct 2, 2015 – Oregon shooting victims ranged in age from 18 to 67. Replay … remembering umpqua college shooting victims segment ac_00001909.jpg …

The Oregon database codes –>
age from 18 to 67  –> information pointers to
a) water molecule 18
b) atomic table 18 columns  / families
c ) number 67  ….. NASA,  their approval of the  gravity field murder systems   and attempted gravity grammar murders

The water molecule  atomic mass  18 for H2O  …

The Umpqua code 18  pointer to  Watertown Mass (atomic mass 18 battle site with BOAT of Tsarnaev)

 the murder of Haroon Khan and  the murder of  Travis Zoellick of Watertown, Wisconsin in the water molecule continuum wars.

Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car › News › Waukesha County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct 8, 2008 – … murder in the Oct. 1 homicide of 31-year-old Haroon Khan, who was … According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car … The two drove from Watertown to Milwaukee that day in Zoellick’s 2004 Saab …

UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and … day Zoellick and his girlfriend drove from Watertown to Khan’s home near …

Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi  Evolution,
Har………………………………  Mit university  evolution problems   –>
information feedback pointers to the SOURCE  problem regions of Harvard and MIT in the greater BOSS  ……  arrogance ERROR region of Boston.

10 dead, 9 injured in mass shooting at Oregon college…umpquacollegeshooting/73154898/
Oct 3, 2015 – They ranged in age from 18 to 67. More: Families … Gunman in Umpqua Community College shooting ID’d as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer …

The Oregon database codes –>
age from 18 to 67  … and age 26  –> information pointers to
a) water molecule 18
b) atomic table 18 columns  / families
c ) number 67  ….. NASA,  their approval of the  gravity field murder systems   and attempted gravity grammar murders
d) age 26
atomic table 18 columns  / families
atomic table 18 columns  / ……… lies / errors   of human families

number 67  ….. NASA,  their approval of the  gravity field murder systems   and attempted gravity grammar murders

2011 Tucson shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Gabrielle Giffords – [edit]. U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona 8). Main article: Gabrielle GiffordsGabrielle Giffords was reported to …
Shooting – ‎Gabrielle Giffords – ‎Investigation – ‎Victims

Gabrielle Dee “Gabby” Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician ….. photos of Giffords taken on May 17 were released, the first since the shooting.

d) age 26  —> pointer to the EARTH ferrous oxide  atom …  iron CORE and its   iron atomic 26 English   alphabet letter that finds expression and communication on the EARTH geography surface location of Highway 26, Watertown, Wisconsin.

END of  explanation 


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