The DESCENT of Harvard, MIT m and the Boston HUMAN RACE by the Charles River
…… per Nature’s WORLD-WIDE social engineering systems news announcement.
…… per Nature’s WORLD-WIDE social engineering systems news announcement.
Thus the sequences of DEATH generated by MIT, Harvard and Radcliff, and Boston commands and DEATH sentences
The Umpqua Community College shooting took place on October 1, 2015 at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Christopher …
Thus we have the Boston communications BRIDGE error of year 2013 ……. and the DEATH threats and DEATH sentence against messenger RNA ….. caused Nature’s social engineering system to create a tragic feedback signal to Boston ..with the Universal MIND (UM) code selection of a UM proper nou (UMpQua college) to clearly maximize the message content of the UMpqua EVENT …a feedback signal to the Boston logic system.
Umpqua Community College LOGIC WAR …. shooting – Wikipedia, the free ……/Umpqua_Community_College_sho…
Date: October 1, 2015; 10:38 a.m. – 10:48 …
Perpetrator: Christopher Harper-Mercer
Weapons: Five handguns
Location: Roseburg, Oregon, U.S
Logical Operations and Truth Tables
Logical Operations and Truth Tables. At first glance, it may not seem that the study of logic should be part of mathematics. For most of us, the word logic is …Radcliffe Enters Historic Merger With DEATH subroutines and the Ha Ha comedy school of superiority attitudes and thought …… News
| The ……/radcliffe-enters-historic-m…
The Harvard Crimson
Radcliffe College – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
– The parallel Radcliffe
– The parallel Radcliffe
Thus we have Carmen Ortiz and Department of Justice … Neuroscience BS LAW schemes approved …… the Radcliffe BRAIN programming attack on Radford student ….
Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old ……/ross-truett–ashley–radfo…
The Huffington Post
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford was manipulated by Washington DC SUPREME thinkers and Radcliffe college master BS plan in their arrogant attitude over all knowledge and wisdom.
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford was manipulated by Washington DC SUPREME thinkers and Radcliffe college master BS plan in their arrogant attitude over all knowledge and wisdom.
Truett and the logic problems of MISS bedroom brain power at Radcliffe …..
that control Harvard male brain cell perceptions.
that control Harvard male brain cell perceptions.
Truth table – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How to Apply | Radcliffe Institute
for Advanced Study
of male ……….Stud …… brain letters and words ……/how-apply
Harvard University
Truth Tables, Tautologies, and Logical Equivalence…/truth–tabl…
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Thus, we see Radcliffe college and its bio-radio and other LANGUAGE manipulation TRICKS and arrogant SCHEMES …… to change and distort the accurate bio-math TRUTH TABLES in the subconscious MIND ……. thus Radcliffe and Harvard created the murder of Nature’s agent … Ross Truett Ashley of Radford.
Oregon shooting: Gunman a student at Umpqua Community ……/oregon-umpqua-community-college–shootin…
The Oregon database codes –>
age from 18 to 67 –> information pointers to
a) water molecule 18
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
the murder of Haroon Khan and the murder of Travis Zoellick of Watertown, Wisconsin in the water molecule continuum wars.
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car › News › Waukesha County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say › … › Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Evolution,
Har……………………………… Mit university evolution problems –>
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Evolution,
Har……………………………… Mit university evolution problems –>
information feedback pointers to the SOURCE problem regions of Harvard and MIT in the greater BOSS …… arrogance ERROR region of Boston.
10 dead, 9 injured in mass shooting at Oregon college…umpqua…college–shooting/73154898/
The Oregon database codes –>
age from 18 to 67 … and age 26 –> information pointers to
a) water molecule 18
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
d) age 26
atomic table 18 columns / families
number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
2011 Tucson shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gabrielle G —> bio-gravity life form …..
existence of gravity interaction
with biology denied
by NASA wives that control their husbands BRAIN perceptions
– Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
d) age 26 —> pointer to the EARTH ferrous oxide atom … iron CORE and its iron atomic 26 English alphabet letter that finds expression and communication on the EARTH geography surface location of Highway 26, Watertown, Wisconsin.
Thus the shooting at Umpqua provides at information database with pointers and feedback pointers about the SECRET human brain control SYSTEM of Boston region and its ERRORS and PROBLEMS … that continue with the approval of the citizen / Federal government.
Thus the Umpqua database codes and the related wars
a) water molecule 18
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
d) age 26
water molecule 18 –> Watertown Wisconsin murder of Zoellick and Haroon Khan
water molecule 18 –> murder of water molecule/hydrology teacher G.V. Loganthan at the Virginia Tech university shooting at Norris Hall
water molecule 18 –> murder at the Cole Hall water/ocean class at the Northern Illinois university shooting ,… created by Washington DC and the U.S. Cole …. the incomplete, misleading and biased reports about the Aden, Yemen SCIENCE WAR bombing
Attack on the USS Cole –
Attack on the USS Cole – Parallel event ….
Attack on the USA Cole in DeKalb Ill/ noise
(with Adenine DNA nucleotides )
died and 39 were injured in the potassium atomic mass 39 …. K-channel neuroscience attack ….. on the American guided missile destroyer, USS Cole, in Aden harbour, …
water molecule 18 –> shooting at the Washington Naval Yards ……
Washington Navy Yard shooting – Wikipedia, the free …
Date: September 16, 2013; 8:16 a.m. – …
Non-fatal injuries: 8 (3 from gunfire)
Deaths: 13 (including the perpetrator)
Location: NAVSEA Building 197, Washi…
when lone gunman Aaron Alexis, 34
when lone gunman Aaron Alexis, 34
when lone gunman Aa ron Al exis
when lone gunman Area electron alphabet existence ….. communication violations by EVEN steven and the Department of Energy of base 2 data processing and data storage …… binary Base2 and the even orbitals
when lone gunman Aaron Alexis, 34
when lone gunman Aaron Alexis, 34
when lone gunman Aa ron
Thus the Umpqua database codes and the related wars
a) water molecule 18
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
d) age 26
age 26
age 26
age 26 –> code 26 events
age 26
age 26 –> code 26 events
Runway 26 Comair plane crash in the lexicon/dictionary wars of Lexington, Kentucky
26 mile race –> Boston Marathon bombing CODE of April 15, 2013
206 –> 20 + 6 = 26 –>
Room 206, Advanced WATER Hydrology, … …… G. V. Loganathan at Norris Hall shooting
Room 206, Advanced WATER Hydrology, … …… G. V. Loganathan at Norris Hall shooting
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – Wikipedia, the ……/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_…
Navy and Washington, DC deny the existence of the possibility of a message from Nature’s systems and their unique message FORMAT …. that may require some human thought and basic math/ science concepts to figure out and understand ……. with the CLUES and suggestions of Carl Sagan (book Contact), Isaac Asimov, and others
Math theory : Contact (Carl Sagan)
Carl Sagan’s Contact: Summary of the Novel…/Contact%20Website/…/summary.html
a message that would change the course of Earth’s history
a message that would change the course of Earth’s history
a message that would change the course of Earth’s history
a message that would change the course of Earth’s history
a message that would change the course of Earth’s history
Oregon shooting: Gunman a student at
Um –> Universal Mind ….. Umpqua Community ……/oregon-umpqua-community-college–shootin…
Universal mind – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Universal Mind – There is But One Consciousness
and always present.
and always present.
and always pre-sent ………… in advance to the Virginia TECH english department and their verb tense SECRETS about the phases of knowledge and availability of knowledge at different time schedule rates to different groups of people……. the Base 16 April 16 HEX shooting at Virginia TECH.
The Oregon database codes –>
a) water molecule 18
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
b) atomic table 18 columns / families
c ) number 67 ….. NASA, their approval of the gravity field murder systems and attempted gravity grammar murders
d ) age 26
The Universe of You and Yoga
Despite the endless diversity that we perceive around us, the universe consists of only one ingredient—a single, all-pervasive substance which is the common source of each and every property that defines the world in which we live. Space, time, force, matter—virtually all objects and events are manifestations of this fundamental ground field of unceasing, indestructible vitality.
Such statements, expressing the unity of all Creation, describe a world-view which is commonly shared by both the vanguard physical scientists of today and the venerated yogic sages of antiquity. While modern science has brought this aspect of reality to light through an in-depth examination of the outer world, yogic science has arrived at the same discovery by delving into the world within. Thus, we now have further confirmation of the ancient yogic teaching that the internal reality (the inner Self) is identical in nature to the external reality (the cosmic Self).
The similarities between modern science’s description of basic reality and that put forth by Yoga do not stop here, however. In the course of this section, as well as elsewhere in this web site, we will find that recent scientific discoveries are corroborating, with amazing frequency, the world-view outlined by the philosophies of many spiritual sciences. Of course, compared with the spiritual scientist who has been investigating the true nature of things for thousands of years, today’s physical scientist must be considered a neophyte in the quest for the essence of reality.
One of the most important similarities between the physical and spiritual sciences is that in both these disciplines, all true knowledge must be supported by scientific experimentation and not just creative intuition or intellectual reasoning.
In any scientific field, two main types of experimental research are performed. In the first type, experiments attempt to solve one more of the baffling riddles with which nature constantly confounds the human intellect; and in the second type, previous experiments are repeated in order to verify the original results. Modern physical science is, of course, actively engaged in both types. Yogic science, on the other hand, is no longer involved in experimentation aimed at breaking new ground, for this ancient spiritual discipline no longer needs to contend with any unsolved riddles; its blueprint of reality has been totally complete for countless generations, so the only type of experimental research being performed in this field nowadays is the second type. Any one of us may repeat the ancient Rishis’ experiments and personally verify their findings by experiencing the essential nature of reality for our self. Accordingly, we should expect yogic science to be capable of presenting us with a truly comprehensive picture of Creation’s real structure, unlike the limited models of modem science, which still contain many important, unfilled gaps.
Glaringly absent from the findings of modern science, for example, is the exact nature of the universal, organic substratum that forms the ground field from which all manifest reality springs forth. What exactly is this fundamental, nonmaterial, ever-active, all-pervasive, indestructible “stuff” that unifies Creation? What is this power it possesses which enables it to assume or relinquish material form apparently at will? And exactly who or what decides when these manifestations shall
occur or vanish?
To answer such questions, Yoga presents us with a concept called “the universal mind.” Since most Western readers will undoubtedly decide that this concept sounds suspiciously like the one they refer to as “God,” before we go any further perhaps we’d better attempt to establish some common understanding about the concept of divinity as it applies to the field of spiritual science.
Despite the endless diversity that we perceive around us, the universe consists of only one ingredient—a single, all-pervasive substance which is the common source of each and every property that defines the world in which we live. Space, time, force, matter—virtually all objects and events are manifestations of this fundamental ground field of unceasing, indestructible vitality.
Such statements, expressing the unity of all Creation, describe a world-view which is commonly shared by both the vanguard physical scientists of today and the venerated yogic sages of antiquity. While modern science has brought this aspect of reality to light through an in-depth examination of the outer world, yogic science has arrived at the same discovery by delving into the world within. Thus, we now have further confirmation of the ancient yogic teaching that the internal reality (the inner Self) is identical in nature to the external reality (the cosmic Self).
The similarities between modern science’s description of basic reality and that put forth by Yoga do not stop here, however. In the course of this section, as well as elsewhere in this web site, we will find that recent scientific discoveries are corroborating, with amazing frequency, the world-view outlined by the philosophies of many spiritual sciences. Of course, compared with the spiritual scientist who has been investigating the true nature of things for thousands of years, today’s physical scientist must be considered a neophyte in the quest for the essence of reality.
One of the most important similarities between the physical and spiritual sciences is that in both these disciplines, all true knowledge must be supported by scientific experimentation and not just creative intuition or intellectual reasoning.
In any scientific field, two main types of experimental research are performed. In the first type, experiments attempt to solve one more of the baffling riddles with which nature constantly confounds the human intellect; and in the second type, previous experiments are repeated in order to verify the original results. Modern physical science is, of course, actively engaged in both types. Yogic science, on the other hand, is no longer involved in experimentation aimed at breaking new ground, for this ancient spiritual discipline no longer needs to contend with any unsolved riddles; its blueprint of reality has been totally complete for countless generations, so the only type of experimental research being performed in this field nowadays is the second type. Any one of us may repeat the ancient Rishis’ experiments and personally verify their findings by experiencing the essential nature of reality for our self. Accordingly, we should expect yogic science to be capable of presenting us with a truly comprehensive picture of Creation’s real structure, unlike the limited models of modem science, which still contain many important, unfilled gaps.
Glaringly absent from the findings of modern science, for example, is the exact nature of the universal, organic substratum that forms the ground field from which all manifest reality springs forth. What exactly is this fundamental, nonmaterial, ever-active, all-pervasive, indestructible “stuff” that unifies Creation? What is this power it possesses which enables it to assume or relinquish material form apparently at will? And exactly who or what decides when these manifestations shall
occur or vanish?
To answer such questions, Yoga presents us with a concept called “the universal mind.” Since most Western readers will undoubtedly decide that this concept sounds suspiciously like the one they refer to as “God,” before we go any further perhaps we’d better attempt to establish some common understanding about the concept of divinity as it applies to the field of spiritual science.
Thus we look at the Radcliffe college …. biology radio electronic circuit equation of atomic bio-physics VIR = virgin adult female students.
Radcliffe College – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radcliffe College was a women’s liberal arts college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and functioned as a female coordinate institution for the all-male Harvard …
History – Presidents of Radcliffe College – Growth and national prominence
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University and Radford University in Virgin territory Virginia …
Harvard University Poet, Radcliffe fellow, and a finalist for the National Book Award for his latest book of poems, … The play will be read at Radcliffe on Thursday, November 19 at 6 p.m. …. Cambridge, MA 02138 … 2015 President and Fellows of Harvard College.Fellowship Program – About Us – How to Apply
Above, the female atomic element ….. periodic atomic table .. manipulation control word –> CuNT …….. use to control the Cu = Copper wire and oscillation world of agent NT = Nikola Tesla …… electric motors and the sine wave/oscillation continuum of existential physics
…………………… one of the 11 dimensions of string theory expression.
Above, OHM’s law of Virginia (VIR) and VIR = Virgin pussy bio-electron circuits.
Radciffe College – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radcliffe College was a women’s liberal arts college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and functioned as a female coordinate institution for the all-male Harvard …
History – Presidents of Radcliffe College – Growth and national prominence
Woman: An Intimate Geography … special section on VIRGIN bio-electronics and their brain electron THOUGHT circuits:
Natalie Angier … › … › Women’s Sexual Health, Inc.
Woman: An Intimate Geography [Natalie Angier] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A Pulitzer Prize-winner offers a book about femaleness …
Natalie Angier: Woman: Synopsis
Books Writings. the. author. contact. happenings. other. books. writings … Angier takes readers on a mesmerizing tour of female anatomy and physiology that ..
Thus we see the EARTH Language link, atomic continuum communication links, EM field links, etc …………………….. between Radcliffe and the communication BRIDGE of camBRIDGE ..massachusetts and weight/mass LINKs to atomic mass ans EARTH geology mass.
Nikola Tesla’s Earthquake Machine
– The Excluded Middle
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may … A vibration sent through the earth returns an “echo signature” using the same …
Thus we look at the EARTH LANGUAGE systems and its ability to route ..some of …. Nature’s systems message to the communications HUB of the Hubble(ton) astronomy region by Watertown, Wisconsin.
Thus the Radcliffe …… parallel processing region EVENT at Clifford Lane … and West Road … ……. between Hubbleton and Watertown,
Wisconsin …..
………….sin wave/ oscillation region with Nature’s version of an
Watertown Fire Department, 1857-2007: Watertown, Wisconsin
Ken Riedl – 2007 – History
Watertown, Wisconsin Ken Riedl. The original St. … Sarah Butts photo February 5, 2006, plane crash on Clifford Lane 49Watertown Daily Times, 07 24 2006.
Best atomic mass .... Mass Communication Colleges Radcliffe – Top Colleges–communication–colleges–radcliffe
Nov 11, 2012 – Major Communication
Colleges Radcliffe
Mass communication and journalism disciplines cover the vast areas of communicative network to …
Radcliffe –Rad cliff e – Radio cliff e – information pointer to Clifford G. radio engineer
in the Watertown area
Radcliffe –Rad cliff e – — information pointer to Clifford english –> Clifford publishing of the Watertown Daily Times newspaper –
Miles between Cambridge, MA and Watertown, WI–ma-to-watertown–wi
Miles between Cambridge, MA and Watertown, WI. There are 1111 mi from Cambridge, MA to Watertown, WI. That’s the driving distance. It would take 18 hours …
Thus ……. some information system mechanism of Nature connects the 2 geography regions ..that share some common nouns, words, concepts …..that are tied to significant DEATH events ..accidents, shootings, etc.
Thus a Radcliffe college/ Harvard …they teach the theory of mass communications (televsion, radio, print, etc).
Over 1000 miles away we have an application area …….. with the same word identifiers ..
Radio clifford …..
Print clifford pulishing …
The reason the airplane accident occurred …. by human ERROR ….. was Nature’s creation of the data generating EVENT to get headline attention in the newspaper …….. thus coming to the attention of this blog post writer ….. who happens to live nearby the Clifford Lane /West road accident site.
This is year 2015 …… the accident was in year 2006 ……. it took over 9 years …… for this amateur Sherlock Holmes to figure it out ……… that is …….
the murder of Radford University student Truett and the Umpqua college shooting …… where the primary elements of the puzzle ……. the major pieces involving Radcliffe.
After that ….. days later ….. as an after thought …..
my mind says to itself ….. Radcliffe ??????
that look familiar …. in my own back-yard …..???
Radcliffe ?????? ..cliff …… oh, ya …….. that plane crash on Clifford Lane.
Radcliffe ????? … rad ….. radio ..oh, ya …there is a radio engineer in Watertown .. Clifford G.
He studied radio sine waves …………
What is interesting …….. we see the Rolling waves ……. the Hills and Valleys of the waves …… such as sunlight EM waves or radio waves.
His father’s name was Rolli G. and his uncle was Hilmer G. ……. both farmers who worked out in the sunlight ……. as if Nature named them to be bio-physics …photon EM LANGUAGE messengers about some system ……. some Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND of human NATURE that was slowly rising up to a surface level of conscious expression in year 2015.
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